The CogAT and the Journey of Parenting

The CogAT test tries even the most patient parent. It’s easy to say that you’re going to give up when the going gets tough and you think that your child isn’t going to make the cut.

I heard from a parent who had an inspiring story. They said that their child scored low on the CogAT test and they were worried that they would never make it into a gifted or other advanced program. This parent was devastated, and worried that their child wouldn’t be able to improve and retake the test the following year. But after some hand-wringing and self-doubt, they decided to do everything in their power to make sure that their child had every advantage available to them.

They worked with their child day in and day out for a year, ensuring that they were prepared the next time the CogAT came around. The following year, the child nailed it, scoring in one of the highest percentile ranges and making it into a top-flight program.

I commended them not only for making sure their child was ready for the test, but also for making a decision that will endure. By showing their child that they had what it takes for the CogAT, this parent also showed their child that they would do whatever it took for them to succeed in school and in life – and that the child had the ability to live up to those standards.

In other words, this parent set their child on a path to lifelong success – and not just by getting them ready for the CogAT test. Like so many other things, good parenting is a journey with no end – a lifelong commitment. Every success is not merely reason to celebrate, but also a call to look for new opportunities that will give your child the chance to succeed and, ultimately, reach their full potential in school and in life.


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