5 Tips for the Day of Taking the CogAT

The day of the CogAT can be a very stressful day for children and parents alike. It is the day that you have been preparing for for weeks or months, in order to get into the program that is right for your child. There are many different tips to help you study for the CogAT, such as dedicated study areas in your house or working the skills the CogAT tests into daily life. But what happens on the day of the CogAT? Here are tips to share with your child to make sure they do their best on the CogAT.

  • Be on time: Make sure to get to the testing area with enough time to spare before the CogAT. Being late to the test can stress and worry your child.
  • Sit comfortably: Observe how your child sits while they take their practice tests. Are they hunched over the test or slouched down in their seat? If they sit properly, they will feel better while they take the CogAT.
  • Read the directions: It is important to read the directions before any question on the test. Remind your child to take the time to read the directions, so they can properly answer any of the questions on the CogAT.
  • Don’t get distracted: Does your child tend to get distracted by windows or other students? Identify these distractions and talk to your child about this before the test. Have them sit away from a window and remind them to concentrate on the CogAT for the best test.
  • Focus on what you know: Let your child know that they will not know everything on the test. A question that they do not know the answer to can stress a child. Remind them before the CogAT to focus on what they know.

Preparation before the day of the test can also help reduce stress on the day of the CogAT. Children who prepped with Testing Mom averaged in the 96th percentile. You can read about that here. The day of the CogAT is a stressful time, but with these day of test taking tips your child can be calm and focus on what they know.

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